Can a Dirty Filter in Air Purifier Make You Sick?

If you or a family member has been sneezing, coughing, and generally not feeling well, it could be due to a dirty air filter. Many homeowners don't realize that a clogged air filter can cause cold and flu-like symptoms such as headaches, sore throat, cough, asthma attacks and shortness of breath. Fortunately, not all air purifiers cause these difficulties and some work as advertised. But how do you know the difference?Let's take a look at what makes some types of air purifiers work wonders for your health and well-being, while others can be unsafe.

The fact is that HEPA filters when used correctly will not make you sick. HEPA filters in air purifiers have a very low chance of negatively affecting your health. However, you should not use the HEPA filter in your air purifier in a homemade mask. Since many HEPA filters have fiberglass strands inside, you could accidentally inhale fiberglass dust, which is definitely not good for your health. Do air purifiers make you sick? Air purifiers can't make you sick because they work to clean the air.

No, an air purifier doesn't make you sick on its own. Before you buy an air purifier, you need to understand the many things that can go on the air and make you sick, especially in a retirement community. Can air purifiers that use filters only make you sick? The opposite is true - I consulted with my son's pediatrician. Microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses; instead of taking in air to filter it, they emit charged particles into the air to clean it. If you want to know how to use an air purifier effectively, a simple answer is to let it work all day because it will help you clean the air on the go. In addition, air purifiers with HEPA filters work better in treating allergies and also eliminate allergens from the air.

Electronic Air Purifiers — These types of air purifiers draw in air, which is charged electronically. This is where air ionization technology comes into play with its promise to clean the air without costly filter replacements. We recommend that you always handle the HEPA filter of your air purifier outdoors if possible or in a well-ventilated area. Then, you end up wasting electricity cleaning a portion of the air, but you can't guarantee that the air you breathe isn't polluted and therefore you may still feel sick. It's not a new technology and there are thousands of peer-reviewed studies that support its use to clean the air.

In general, these products draw in air that is statically charged by passing air molecules through an electric field, essentially a spark. Therefore, it is best to avoid air purifiers that emit ozone gas, regardless of their effectiveness. Learn more about Purifans for homes, school classrooms, office areas, waiting rooms, hairdressers and nail salons, nursing homes, day care centers, restaurants, bars and clubs, cigar bars, gyms, pet stores, liquor stores, retail stores, convenience stores and anywhere you want to filter and deodorizing the air to make it healthier for employees, customers, visitors, schoolchildren or teachers.