Can Air Purifiers Help or Worsen Allergies?

In some cases, using an air purifier can cause allergies to worsen rather than improve. This is usually due to ionizing units that increase the amount of allergens and dust in the air. Using a HEPA filter in your home can remove most airborne particles that could worsen allergies. But airborne particles aren't the only ones in your home.

There's so much more to your carpets, bedding and curtains, and it rests on countertops and tables. Therefore, it is important to keep these areas clean. It is also important, where possible, to eliminate the source of allergens and irritants. For example, the only effective way to keep tobacco smoke out of your home is to not smoke. Some air purifiers can irritate your allergies, not help them.

Ionic electrostatic cleaners release ions, which force particles to adhere to walls or surfaces. But they don't remove all particles from the air, and the ozone that is produced is a known irritant. An air purifier is one of the best options for reducing the amount of allergens in your home when combined with proper ventilation. This can lead to better indoor air quality, better breathing and a healthier home. Air purifiers work by extracting air, trapping harmful contaminants, and then pushing clean air back into the room.

Air purifiers in living room (A) and bedroom (B); high-efficiency particulate air filters and airflow (C). He successfully filed a lawsuit against Alpine for making baseless claims that his purifiers could alleviate a variety of medical conditions, and successfully sued Alpine in 1997 for violating the terms of the previous judgment. If you decide to buy an air purifier to reduce allergy symptoms, keep in mind that devices may vary. Knowledge is power, and by reading about allergies and the different types of air purifiers that exist, you can empower yourself to make the right choices. The results of this intricately designed study clearly demonstrate that air purifiers are beneficial to adults with persistent AR, underscoring the importance of indoor air pollution as a critical environmental problem. Elizabeth Matsui, a professor at Johns Hopkins who is also the chair of the committee on indoor air pollution and allergens at the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, noted that pollen does not stay in the air for long; it tends to settle quickly in the soil. Each of these filters works to eliminate indoor air pollution and improve overall indoor air quality.

Therefore, a special anti-allergy filter is usually not needed for the air purifier to be effective in eliminating and reducing allergens. Everyone can enjoy and benefit from an air purifier, but if you experience any of the above symptoms, adding an air purifier that filters out known allergens can help relieve symptoms. You can also look up the Clean Air Supply Rate (CADR) to determine how many particles and square feet a purifier can handle. In the case of pet dander, particles that cause pet allergies can be removed by using an air purifier equipped with a HEPA filter. However, HEPA units, which in some configurations use fiberglass filters to clean the air passing through the fan, can be a noisy source of energy and filters need to be replaced regularly.

In addition to a true HEPA filter, you may also want to select an air purifier that is certified suitable for asthma and allergies by the Asthma and Allergy Foundations of America (AAFA).Air purifiers are an effective way to reduce allergens in your home when used correctly. However, it's important to remember that they are not a cure-all for allergies or asthma. It's important to understand how they work and what type of filter you need before making a purchase.